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Thanksgiving Musings: Finding Beauty in Life's Simple Moments

Thanksgiving Musings: Finding Beauty in Life's Simple Moments

Yesterday, I was sitting at a small but popular cafe sipping on my newfound addiction, a mint citrus tea, I can't help but appreciate the simple joy of being in a different space, away from the familiar comforts of home. Don't get me wrong; I love being at home, but every now and then, I crave the energy of a public place, the subtle hum of conversations, and the aroma of coffee and pastries in the air.

Today is different. No iPad, no work agenda. Just me, my tea, and the serenity of soaking up the atmosphere. I recently went for a walk at a nearby forest preserve after a conversation with Justin. There, I crossed paths with a jogger, and the energy surrounding him was intriguing. It felt like he was a business owner, out here to detoxify and de-stress from the challenges of his day.

In the past, individuals like him seemed leagues above me, navigating a world I didn't know. But today, I realize I've leveled up. I'm a business ownerβ€”a woman with a thriving business, incredible employees, and a heart full of gratitude for the journey.

There's a profound sense of growth and honor in the space that I'm in. I find myself getting goosebumps just reflecting on the training, learning, and the love extended to me by others. Life, at its core, is about these experiences, about growth, about helping and loving others. My heart is so full, thankful for the path that led me here.

Days can be hectic, filled with moments of uncertainty, like the unease of having to share your personal identity with the public. I remember sitting in that fear every day. But not anymore. I share these reflections today with the hope that, in some way, they resonate with those currently navigating through fear and uncertainty.

Life is a journey, a series of moments that shape us. It's about finding beauty in the simple things and being thankful for the experiences that mold us into who we are meant to be. As the days unfold, let's embrace growth, navigate fear, and, most importantly, cherish the love that surrounds us.

P.S. Wishing you a Thanksgiving filled with joy, love, and all the good vibes! πŸ‚πŸ¦ƒ

And hey, if you ever feel the need for a little extra support in leveling up, I'm here for you. The Akashic Records, with their profound wisdom, can be your guide in answering those important career questions and more. Just a message away whenever you're ready to dive in. Take care! πŸ’«

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