Then, one day, I was excitedly getting ready for a class on Animal Communication that I had eagerly anticipated for months. While carrying laundry down the stairs, I stumbled and fell to the bottom. The pain was excruciating but I initially refused to
the severity of my injuries. My kids had to convince me to go to the hospital. There, I learned that I had two herniated discs in my lower back and a compound fracture of my T12. I was fortunate to avoid surgery. Because it was the night the Cubs won the World Series, the first night at the hospital was crazy. Although I returned to work a few days after leaving the hospital, I soon realized I had returned too soon. Despite loving my job at a chiropractic office, I should have remined in bed to recover properly. Despite undergoing physical therapy, the pain persisted, and I felt like I needed something more.
That's when I visited Holy Hill on September 27. 2022. Holy Hill Basilica and National Shrine of Mary is a place of beauty and healing, located in Wisconsin, USA. The shrine is dedicated to the Verigin Mary, and it sits atop one of the highest points on southeastern Wisconsin, offering a stunning view of the surrounding landscape. The shrine has been a place of pilgrimage for thousands of people seeking healing and solace. I came here with the intention of straightening my back and relieving myself of the unsightly hump that had plagued me for years.
We arrived at the grounds of Holy Hill, and even though my friend Kat and I got lost on our way to the church, we were guided by the presence of the divine. I felt surrounded by an energy of healing and love that permeated every inch of the ground.
As we approached the church, I took a few pictures, and to my surprise, the sky in the first photo was a deep blue, while the other two were gray clouds. Kat and I were both amazed and wondered if it was a sign. We kept walking until we reached one of the towers. Despite our fear of heights, we decided to climb the stairs to the tower. When we were just one flight away from the top, I couldn't help but admire the view, which was truly breathtaking.
The next place we went to was the Basilica, which was incredible. They were holding mass and we decided to sit down for a ew minutes. I broke down in tears as I felt my entire family gather around us. My family on the other side was accustomed to attending Catholic churches. I miss them very much! During mass, I felt a sense of peace and belonging that I had not experienced in years.
And then we came to Mary's room where the healing happens. The energy in that room was amazing and I could feel the wonderful energy around me. We also visited the grounds and I highly recommend it to anyone who has never been there before. The energy welcomes everyone, (AND I MEAN EVERYONE) regardless of the religious beliefs.
Over the next few hours, we figured out that the blue energy in my picture over the church was Mother Mary. It dawned on my that whenever I recite the Hail Mary prayer, I call on Mother Mary. I learned this prayer after my grandmother Alyce passed away. I felt like I needed to be close to her and saying the prayer made me feel like she was with me. Six month later, I asked my mom to look for the funeral card for my grandma. When she pulled them out, Mother Mary was on the back of each one. Four different images. I didn't know my grandma adored Mary too.
A week after my visit to Holy Hill, I had a physical therapy session with Kevin. Kevin specializes in a technique called Strain-Counterstrain which is highly recommended. He told me I had a hump right under my neck on my back, so he was going to shift some things around. He also told me that with a compound fracture, that I was always going to have some degree of pain. He also pointed out that my shoulders are curved froward because I'm protecting my heart and lungs, which made complete sense given my history with asthma.
With his skillful hands, Kevin went to work adjusting and poking certain areas, and the results were immediate. I felt taller and my posture was significantly improved. As I left the office, I noticed I had to adjust my seat and rearview mirror in my car as my back was much straighter.
It's been six months since that session with Kevin, and I continue to perform the exercises given to me, especially those aimed at strengthening my core. During my daily mile-and-a-half walk, I make sure that my heart and lungs are open. Trust me that this healing journey that I've been on is a hard one and it's not just my body that's healing but it's also my mind.
I've learned to ask my guides and angels for everything that I want in this lifetime because if I don't ask, I don't receive. I also ask for them to show me signs that they are here. I see numbers all the time and I've had some amazing experiences. I try to live in the NOW most of the time because I feel that's where the magic happens.
So, start asking and start living in the NOW. My live isn't perfect but I love who I am and what I do for a living. I pray that you find your NOW and LOVE for yourself!